Employee Wages Calculator
If you would like to calculate the net pay of an employee before running the actual payroll, you can use the downloadable spreadsheet to do the calculation for you.
If you would like to calculate the net pay of an employee before running the actual payroll, you can use the downloadable spreadsheet to do the calculation for you.
The new tax year started on 6th April with new rates and allowances, and so now is the time for small business owners that trade as a company, to review the way in which profit is taken out from the company […]
Despite the current business disruption and economic turbulence, some things don’t change; a new payroll year means there are increases to the National Minimum Wage and Living Wage Rates from April 2020 onwards that Employers must be aware of.
If Accounting […]
In the information age, it can seem that finding answers to the questions we have has become a profession in itself. The advent of online forums has allowed us to quickly find someone asking the same questions, but the answers […]
A new payroll year means that from April 2019 onwards, there is an increase in the National Minimum Wage and Living Wage Rates for all Employers.
If Accounting & General manages your payroll for you, we will increase the pay of […]
The new tax year started on 6th April, with new rates and allowances, and so now is the time for small business owners that trade as a company, to review the way in which profit is taken out from the […]
Leading tourism business from across Devon were celebrating on 22 November as 80 Dartington Crystal trophies were presented in the 2018 Devon Tourism Awards at a prestigious awards dinner in the Palazzo at Highbullen Hotel, Golf and Country Club.
Please find below a download link for the 2018/2019 Tax Rates and allowances.
The actions of this perverse government continue with Philip Hammond’s presentation of the 2018 Budget. A budget in which he apparently loosened the purse strings, whilst refusing to do so in the […]
From April 2018 there will be an increase in the National Minimum Wage and Living Wage Rates.
If Accounting & General manages your payroll for you, we will increase the pay of any Employees who fall below the new minimum rates […]